Education 🎓
- Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine (1999): Focused on equine tetanus treatment, completed under Prof. Dr. Radu Moga Mânzat at Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Timișoara.
- DVM (1987): Earned from the same institution, providing a strong foundation in veterinary practice and infectious diseases.
Professional Experience
- Professor (2007–Present): Infectious diseases, preventive medicine, and zoonotic diseases.
- Associate Professor (2002–2007): Specialized in infectious diseases.
- Veterinarian (1987–1990): Practiced at the Jamu-Mare Veterinary Sanitary Circle, Timiș County.
- Administrative roles include Decan Interimar, Prodecan, and key positions in academic councils at USV Timișoara.
Research Interests 🔬
Dr. Herman’s research focuses on zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and food safety. He investigates the prevalence of infectious agents in animals and their implications for public health.
Awards & Honors 🏆
- Paul Riegler Award (2006): For the textbook “Viral and Prionic Diseases of Animals.”
- Traian Săvulescu Award (2003): For “Bacterial Infectious Diseases of Animals.”
- Multiple commendations for contributions to veterinary medicine during zoonotic outbreaks and educational advancements.
Publications Top Notes: 📚
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