Yuting Liu | Special Education | Women Researcher Award

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Mrs. Yuting Liu | Special Education | Women Researcher AwardšŸ†

University of Texas at Austin, China

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Yuting Liu embarked on her academic journey with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Applied Psychology from Huaiyin Normal University. She continued her education with a Master of Science (M.S.) in Elementary Psychology from Shanghai Normal University, where her research focused on emotional recognition across cultures. Currently, she is pursuing a Ph.D. in Education with a specialization in Learning Disabilities/Behavior Disorders (LD/BD) at The University of Texas at Austin.

Professional Endeavors

She has gained valuable professional experience through her roles as a Graduate Research Assistant and Student Technician at The University of Texas at Austin's Department of Special Education. She has also served as a Guest Reviewer for the Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, showcasing her commitment to academic service and scholarship.

Contributions and Research Focus

Her research interests lie in the intersection of psychology and education, particularly in understanding and addressing learning disabilities and behavior disorders. Her expertise includes event-related potentials (ERP) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), meta-analysis, and proficiency in various statistical software packages. Her doctoral research, under the guidance of Advisor Peng Peng, aims to uncover the underlying mechanisms of doctor-patient trust using fNIRS evidence.

Accolades and Recognition

Her academic achievements have been recognized with various honors and scholarships, including the prestigious Texas Alumni Centennial Scholarship Fund for Teachers fellowship and the Texas Scholar Scholarship. She has also received national and international recognition for her academic excellence and leadership, as evidenced by awards such as the National Scholarship in China and the Bronze Award of Jiangsu Province University Students Entrepreneurship Competition.

Impact and Influence

Her research and academic endeavors have the potential to make a significant impact on the fields of psychology, education, and healthcare. By exploring the complex dynamics of doctor-patient trust and investigating emotional recognition across cultures, her work contributes to a deeper understanding of human behavior and interactions. Additionally, her commitment to excellence and service reflects her dedication to making meaningful contributions to society.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As she continues her academic and professional journey, her legacy will be defined by her contributions to advancing knowledge and addressing societal challenges in psychology and education. Through her research, teaching, and service, she aims to inspire future generations of scholars and practitioners to pursue excellence and make a positive impact on the world. Yuting Liu's dedication to scholarship, coupled with her passion for understanding human behavior and fostering inclusive education, positions her as a promising researcher and educator poised to make significant contributions to her field and society at large.

Notable PublicationsĀ 

Optimal design feature of computer-assisted reading instruction for students with reading difficulties? A Bayesian network meta-analysis

Yan, X. , Peng, P. , Liu, Y.Ā  2024