Dr. Joanna Dynowska | Business, Management and Accounting | Best Researcher Award

Assistant Professor University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Poland

📚 Dr. Joanna Dynowska is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Management and Quality Sciences, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. She earned her PhD in Economic Sciences (Management discipline) from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in 2007. Her academic pursuits focus on management accounting instruments, cost management systems, and international financial reporting standards.


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🎓 Dr. Dynowska completed her PhD in Economic Sciences at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Her rigorous training laid the foundation for her expertise in management and financial systems.


🌟 Dr. Dynowska has extensive academic and research experience, contributing to the field of management and accounting through teaching, research, and conference involvement. She actively participates in scholarly communities, including the 44th IBIMA International Conference program committee.

Research Interests

🔬 Dr. Dynowska’s research focuses on tools of controlling and management accounting, cost accounting systems, cost management, and risk management. She is particularly interested in innovative models of probabilistic risk quantification in production processes.

Awards and Memberships

🏆 Dr. Dynowska is a nominee for the “Best Researcher Award” and an esteemed member of the Scientific Society of Organization and Management.

Publications Top Notes:

📖 Dr. Dynowska has published 83 journal articles and two books. Her works often explore controlling tools, cost accounting systems, and risk management techniques. With 130 citations, an h-index of 7, and an i10-index of 2, her research has been widely recognized.

Highlighted Publications

Oddziaływanie samorządu terytorialnego na rozwój lokalny gmin

Zadania controllera w przedsiębiorstwie w świetle badań ankietowych

Economic instruments and the vision of prosumer energy in Poland. Analysis of the potential impacts of the “My electricity” program

Expectations Related to the Implementation of Performance Budget in Municipalities

The impact of IFRS-8, segment reporting, on the disclosure practices of Polish listed companies

Wykorzystanie systemów rachunku kosztów przez przedsiębiorstwa województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego w świetle badań ankietowych

Zakres zadań i oznaczenia stanowiska controllera w przedsiębiorstwie w świetle badań ankietowych


Joanna Dynowska | Business, Management and Accounting | Best Researcher Award