Bokon Akakpo | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Bokon Akakpo | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Senior researcher at the Laboratory of Applied Ecology UAC (University of Abomey-Calavi) Benin

Dr. Bokon Alexis Akakpo is a dedicated environmental scientist from Benin, specializing in environmental conservation, natural resources management, and climate-smart land use planning. With a strong commitment to sustainable development, his work focuses on addressing environmental challenges in West Africa.


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Education 🎓

  • Ph.D. in Climate Change and Human Habitat (January 2020 – April 2024): Completed at the WASCAL Doctoral Research Programme of the Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
  • MSc in Forest and Natural Resource Management (October 2011 – March 2014): Earned from the Faculty of Agronomy Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin.
  • BSc in Natural Resource Management (January 2008 – April 2011): Obtained from the Faculty of Agronomy Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin.

Experience 🛠️

Dr. Akakpo has contributed significantly to various environmental projects:

  • Assistant Project Coordinator (July 2024 – July 2027): “Solar energy for the productivity of women’s businesses and the empowerment of women in rural areas of Benin,” funded by the International Research and Development Center (CRDI grant No. 110443-001).
  • Assistant Project Coordinator (July 2023 – July 2026): “Reverting desertification trial – exploring the potential of termite, native plants, soil & water conservation-based ecosystem restoration for climate resilience,” funded by Mossy Earth.
  • Assistant Project Coordinator (July 2021 – July 2023): “Termites for climate resilience – exploring the potential of termite-based ecosystem restoration,” funded by Mossy Earth.
  • Assistant Project Coordinator (January 2021 – December 2023): “Solar energy and biotechnologies for women entrepreneurs in the mangroves of the Ramsar 1017 site in Benin (SEWomen),” funded by the International Research and Development Center (CRDI grant No. 109625-001).
  • Project Coordinator (2020 – 2024): “Investigation of Sustainable Urban Greenery Planning in the Changing Climate of Benin,” funded by the West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use.

Research Interests 🔬

Dr. Akakpo’s research focuses on:

  • Addressing urbanization and environmental degradation affecting vegetation and biodiversity conservation.
  • Employing environmental metadata alongside GIS and remote sensing to identify drivers, indicators, and impacts of environmental degradation.
  • Exploring restoration, planning, and conservation strategies in West Africa.
  • Utilizing high-resolution UAV imagery to quantify the cooling effects and microclimate improvements of urban tree species in West Africa.

Awards and Grants 🏆

Dr. Akakpo has been recognized with several research grants:

  • 2014: West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (WECARD) – Support for master’s field data collection.
  • 2020 – 2023: West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) – PhD research funding.
  • 2021: IUCN/PAPBio programme fund for mangrove restoration in Benin.

Publications Top Notes: 📚

Dr. Akakpo has authored and co-authored several notable publications:

“Traditional Farmlands for Tree Species Conservation in Benin” (October 2023): Published in Small-scale Forestry, this study assesses traditional farmlands regarding their typology and impacts on tree species conservation.

“People’s perception and involvement in improving urban greenery in Benin (West Africa)” (February 2023): Published in Discover Sustainability, this paper documents residents’ perceptions of existing greenery spaces and their involvement in environmental conservation efforts.

“Role of termites in the restoration of soils and plant richness on bowĂ© in West Africa” (August 2020): This research examines termite mounds on bowĂ© and their effects on soil depth and plant richness.

Priorisation des pratiques anti-érosives de conservation des sols dans la zone soudanienne au Bénin (Afrique de l’Ouest)

Evaluation de l’état actuel et les principales menaces de la Forêt sacrée Badja au sud-ouest du Bénin : Proposition des stratégies de conservation

Diversity and Structure of Khaya Senegalensis (desr.) A. Juss Habitats Along Phytogeographical Zones in Chad (Central Africa): Implications for Conservation and Sustainable Use

Spatial Diagnosis and Conceptualisation of Greening Plan of Seme-Podji, Benin (West Africa)

Variabilité des utilisations de Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. suivant les facteurs sociodémographiques au Nord-Bénin

Impact of crop production on selected soil physicochemical properties in semiarid climate zone of Benin, West Africa