Yeqing Dong | Multiomics and Mental Health | Best Researcher Award

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Dr. Yeqing Dong | Multiomics and Mental Health | Best Researcher Award🏆

Tianjin Anding Hospital, China

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits:

Yeqing Dong commenced her academic journey by obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Bioengineering from Hebei University in 2015. She exhibited a keen interest in the intersection of biology and engineering, laying the foundation for her future endeavors in research and academia. Following her undergraduate studies, she pursued her passion further by enrolling in a Doctoral program at Peking Union Medical College, specializing in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. This period marked her deep dive into the intricacies of biochemical processes and molecular mechanisms, shaping her into a diligent and focused scholar.

Professional Endeavors:

Transitioning from her doctoral studies, She embarked on her professional journey as a Research Assistant at the Institute of Mental Health, Tianjin Anding Hospital, Mental Health Center of Tianjin Medical University. Here, she delved into the realm of mental health research, bringing her expertise in biochemistry and molecular biology to contribute to the understanding and treatment of various mental health disorders. Her role as a research assistant underscored her commitment to bridging the gap between basic science and clinical application, further enriching her professional portfolio.

Contributions and Research Focus:

She research endeavors have primarily revolved around elucidating the molecular underpinnings of psychiatric disorders, particularly major depressive disorder (MDD) and schizophrenia. Her seminal work has explored diverse facets of these conditions, ranging from cognitive function and depressive symptoms to metabolic biomarkers associated with antipsychotic treatment. By employing cutting-edge techniques in molecular biology, her studies have shed light on novel pathways and potential therapeutic targets, offering new avenues for intervention and management in mental health care.

Accolades and Recognition:

Throughout her academic and professional journey, She has garnered recognition for her scholarly contributions and research excellence. Her publications in esteemed journals such as Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Frontiers in Psychiatry, and Cell Death & Disease reflect the significance and impact of her work within the scientific community. Her dedication to advancing knowledge in the field of mental health has been acknowledged through accolades and commendations, underscoring her status as a promising young researcher in her field.

Impact and Influence:

She research has made significant strides in advancing our understanding of psychiatric disorders, offering valuable insights into their etiology and pathophysiology. Her findings have not only contributed to the academic discourse but also hold promise for translating into clinical practice, potentially improving diagnostic accuracy, treatment efficacy, and patient outcomes. By elucidating the intricate molecular mechanisms underlying mental illnesses, She work has the potential to catalyze paradigm shifts in mental health care, fostering more personalized and targeted therapeutic approaches.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

As She continues to expand her research portfolio and make meaningful contributions to the field of mental health, her legacy is poised to endure as a beacon of scientific excellence and innovation. With a firm foundation in biochemistry and molecular biology, she remains steadfast in her commitment to unraveling the complexities of psychiatric disorders and advancing novel interventions. Through her ongoing efforts, She  aspires to leave a lasting impact on the field, paving the way for improved understanding, treatment, and ultimately, the well-being of individuals affected by mental illness.

Notable Publications 

Ghrelin and depressive symptoms in patients with first-episode drug-naïve major depressive disorder: The mediating role of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis

Does Baseline Cognitive Function Predict the Reduction Rate in HDRS-17 Total Scores in First-Episode, Drug-Naïve Patients with Major Depressive Disorder?

Metabolic biomarkers of risperidone-induced weight gain in drug-naïve patients with schizophrenia

Fourier transform profilometry using single-pixel detection based on two-dimensional discrete cosine transform

HSPA1A, HSPA2, and HSPA8 Are Potential Molecular Biomarkers for Prognosis among HSP70 Family in Alzheimer's Disease

GIPC2 is an endocrine-specific tumor suppressor gene for both sporadic and hereditary tumors of RET- and SDHB-, but not VHL-associated clusters of pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma

p97/VCP is highly expressed in the stem-like cells of breast cancer and controls cancer stemness partly through the unfolded protein response


Kamla Kant Shukla | Cancer Genetics | Best Researcher Award

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Prof Dr. Kamla Kant Shukla | Cancer Genetics | Best Researcher Award

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur India

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits:

Dr. Kamla Kant Shukla began his academic journey with a strong foundation in Biochemistry, earning a Ph.D. in Medical Biochemistry from King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, in 2010. His earlier academic achievements include an M.Sc. in Biochemistry from A.P.S. University, Rewa, in 2001.

Professional Endeavors:

His professional journey in academia includes various roles at AIIMS Jodhpur, where he currently serves as an Additional Professor of Biochemistry since July 2023. Prior to this, he held positions as an Associate Professor (July 2020 - June 2023) and Assistant Professor (June 2017 - June 2020) in the Department of Trauma & Emergency. Before joining AIIMS Jodhpur, Dr. Shukla gained valuable experience as a Senior/Junior Resident in the Department of Biochemistry at AIIMS Jodhpur from January 2013 to May 2017. He also pursued a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Chungang University, South Korea, from 2011 to 2012.

Contributions and Research Focus:

His research program is characterized by its focus on two distinct areas. Firstly, he delves into understanding the role of epigenetic and gene regulations in embryonic development and cancers, with a particular emphasis on developing epigenetic biomarkers and novel modalities for treatment. Secondly, he assesses the impact of endocrine disruptive chemicals on the epigenome, exploring genotoxicity, cell signaling pathways, and non-coding RNA in reproductive and cancer biology.

Accolades and Recognition:

His significant contributions have been acknowledged with various accolades and awards. Notably, he was elected as a Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) in 2022 and received the Shri Om Prakash Sharma Young Scientist Award in 2021 from the Indian Academy of Biomedical Sciences. His international recognition includes being elected as a Member of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, USA, in 2022, and as an Associate Member of the Royal Society of Biology, United Kingdom, in 2020. Additionally, he received a Travel Award at the 8th Seoul International Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolism (SICEM 2020) in Seoul, South Korea.

Impact and Influence:

His impact extends beyond his academic and research roles. His membership in esteemed national and international scientific societies reflects the recognition of his expertise in the field.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

His legacy is marked by his commitment to advancing knowledge in the fields of epigenetics, genomics, and endocrine disruption. His multifaceted research approach and international collaborations position him as a key figure in biochemistry and medical sciences. His future contributions are anticipated to further enrich our understanding of epigenetic mechanisms and their implications in developmental biology and cancer research.


A total of  2298 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of his research within the academic community.

  • Citations            2298
  • h-index              21
  • i10-index           30

Notable Publications