Boulais YOVOGAN | Biology and Life Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Boulais YOVOGAN | Biology and Life Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Medical entomologist and Geneticist Centre de Recherche Entomologique de Cotonou (CREC) Benin

Dr. Boulais Yovogan is a passionate medical entomologist and geneticist based at the Centre de Recherche Entomologique de Cotonou (CREC), Benin. With extensive field and academic experience, Dr. Yovogan has contributed significantly to vector surveillance, malaria control, and genetic resource management. His dynamic role includes research, field coordination, and mentoring students at the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC). He is also actively involved in international collaborations with institutions like the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).


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πŸŽ“ Education

Dr. Yovogan earned his PhD in Life Sciences (2024) from the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin, specializing in medical entomology and genetic resources. His academic journey blends biological sciences with practical research experience, making him a key contributor to tropical disease research in West Africa.

πŸ§ͺ Experience

With hands-on expertise in entomological surveillance and vector control, Dr. Yovogan led the transmission component of the New Net Project (2019–2024), under UNITAID and LSHTM. At CREC, he contributes to national and international research initiatives. Simultaneously, he supports teaching at the Zoology Department of UAC, guiding students in technical laboratory handling and tool usage.

πŸ”¬ Research Interest

Dr. Yovogan’s core interests lie in vector-borne diseases, especially malaria transmission, insecticide resistance, and vector surveillance methods. He evaluates innovative vector control tools and contributes to improving entomological data collection techniques for enhanced disease control strategies.

πŸ† Awards

Although early in his decorated career, Dr. Yovogan is a strong contender for recognition due to his impactful research. His nomination for the Best Researcher Award under the International Popular Scientist Awards underscores his scientific leadership and contributions to public health and vector control.

πŸ“š Publications Top Notes:Β 

Dr. Boulais Yovogan has authored 33 peer-reviewed articles in reputed journals including Malaria Journal, Plos One, Parasites & Vectors, and BMC Public Health. His research has been cited 313 times, with an h-index of 8 and i10-index of 7. A recent publication includes:

β€œEvaluation of a dual-active ingredient LLIN against malaria vectors in Benin”
πŸ“– Malaria Journal (2025) – Cited by 5 articles

Efficacy of pyriproxyfen-pyrethroid long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and chlorfenapyr-pyrethroid LLINs compared with pyrethroid-only LLINs for malaria control in Benin: a …

Assessing the efficacy of two dual-active ingredients long-lasting insecticidal nets for the control of malaria transmitted by pyrethroid-resistant vectors in Benin: study …

Pre-intervention characteristics of the mosquito species in Benin in preparation for a randomized controlled trial assessing the efficacy of dual active-ingredient long-lasting …

WHO cone bio-assays of classical and new-generation long-lasting insecticidal nets call for innovative insecticides targeting the knock-down resistance mechanism in Benin

Malaria burden and associated risk factors in an area of pyrethroid-resistant vectors in Southern Benin

Pyrethroid Resistance Intensity inΒ Anopheles gambiaeΒ s.l. from Different Agricultural Production Zones in Benin, West Africa

Effectiveness of pyriproxyfen-pyrethroid and chlorfenapyr-pyrethroid long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) compared with pyrethroid-only LLINs for malaria control in the third …

What can be learned from the residual efficacy of three formulations of insecticides (pirimiphos-methyl, clothianidin and deltamethrin mixture, and clothianidin alone) in large …


Pedro Crugeira | Biotechnology | Innovator of the Year Achievement Award

Dr. Pedro Crugeira | Biotechnology | Innovator of the Year Achievement Award

Researcher Polytechnic Institute of Braganca Portugal

Pedro Jorge Louro Crugeira (b. 28 March 1972) is a seasoned biotechnologist with a rich academic and research trajectory spanning biotechnology, bioprocess engineering, and photobiomodulation. With over two decades of experience in academia and industry, he has contributed significantly to sustainable bioprocesses for producing high-value bioactives using photostimulation techniques. He currently serves as a researcher at the Mountain Research Centre (CIMO), Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, where he contributes to the OleaChain Project focused on innovation in the traditional olive grove value chain.




πŸŽ“ Education

Pedro holds a Ph.D. in Biotechnology (2016) and a Master’s in Biotechnology from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Brazil, and completed a post-doctorate in Biotechnology focusing on photostimulation for bioactive production. He also earned a Bachelor’s in Biotechnology from Instituto Superior de Humanidades e Tecnologia and a Degree in Biotechnological Engineering from Universidade LusΓ³fona, Portugal. Additionally, he specialized in Innovation and Quality at the Portuguese Industrial Association.

πŸ§ͺ Experience

Pedro has worked across Brazil and Portugal in academic and industrial capacities. He held teaching positions at Salvador University Center (UNICEUSA) and SALVADOR COLLEGE (FACSAL). He is currently a Polytechnic Teacher at both the School of Agriculture and the School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Braganca . His prior industrial roles include being Technical Director at ATOM Scientific and a consultant at GUIRRE Cosmetics Industry, Brazil. He led innovative projects funded by PETROGAL, FAPEX, and COMPETE2030.

πŸ”¬ Research Interest

His research spans industrial and environmental biotechnology, bioprocess microbiology, biophotonics, and bioactive production through photostimulation. He is particularly invested in sustainable strategies for utilizing industrial by-products and developing photostimulated microbial biopolymers. He is also engaged in bioremediation, medical biotechnology, and bioproduct engineering for health and environmental applications.

πŸ† Awards & Recognitions

Pedro has been consistently recognized for his contributions to sustainable biotechnology innovation. He was appointed as the Principal Investigator for national and European-funded projects such as INOVOlive and RARISS, under COMPETE2030 and NORTE2020 programs, aimed at value-adding bioresources and improving traceability in agro-industrial systems.

πŸ“š Publications Top Notes:

Pedro has authored multiple book chapters and journal articles that reflect his innovative contributions:

πŸ“˜ Photostimulation Applied to the Production of Biopolymers (Exopolysaccharides), in Progress in Hydrogen Energy, Fuel Cells, Nano-Biotechnology and Advanced Bioactive Compounds, Springer, 2024.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-75984-0_16
Cited by: 2 articles

πŸ“˜ Exploring Innovative Exogenous Green Stimulus Methods for Boosting Bioprocesses: Electric, Magnetic and Ultrasound Stimulation Techniques, in Trends and Innovations in Energetic Sources, Functional Compounds and Biotechnology, 2023.
Published in the United States
Cited by: 1 article

πŸ“˜ Surfactant/Alkali Stress Effect in Exopolysaccharide Production by Xanthomonas and Enterobacter Strains, in Functional Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials and Biomolecules, Springer, 2021.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-62226-8_24
Cited by: 3 articles

πŸ“˜ Effect of Light Stimulation on a Thermo-Cellulolytic Bacterial Consortium Used for the Degradation of Cellulose of Green Coconut Shells, in Emerging Research in Science and Engineering Based on Advanced Experimental and Computational Strategies, Springer, 2020.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31403-2_8
Cited by: 4 articles

πŸ“˜ Disclosing the potential of Cupressus leylandii A.B. Jacks & Dallim, Eucalyptus globulus Labill., Aloysia citrodora PalΓ‘u, and Melissa officinalis L. hydrosols as eco-friendly antimicrobial agents

πŸ“˜ Inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus by antimicrobial photodynamic therapy using 1,9-Dimethyl-Methylene Blue: in vitro and in vivo studies

πŸ“˜ Copper-induced exopolysaccharide production by Lelliottia amnigena strain LABEM

πŸ“˜ Exploring Innovative Exogenous Green Stimulus Methods for Boosting Bioprocesses: Electric, Magnetic and Ultrasound Stimulation Techniques